Posted on Feb 16, 2022
Members prepare and serve food at shelter.
Rotary Club of Utica members Roger Frank, Dave Jones, David Bagley, Brett Shippee, and Travis Rabbers volunteered at the Morrow Warming Center on Saturday evening, Feb. 12.
Rotary volunteers at MorrowThe five volunteers began by cleaning the dining tables and preparing food as well as doing a few loads of laundry at the shelter. They also sorted and organized some boxes of clothes that had been brought to the center.
When people started to enter, the volunteers served sandwiches, potatoes, soup, and cookies. Afterwards, they cleaned tables and washed dishes.
Noted Travis: “The people there were very grateful and appreciative,” including shelter director Rev. Mike Ballman.
PHOTO: Travis Rabbers, Brett Shippee and David Bagley at Morrow.