Stephen Turnbull presided over the last meeting of his Rotary year as club president, with a Paul Harris Fellow award and a briefing by the Chamber of Commerce.
The last meeting of the 2021-2022 Rotary year featured the awarding of a Paul Harris Fellow to Michelle Brandstadt and a briefing on the public and behind-the-scenes workings of the Greater Utica Chamber of Commerce by its executive director, Kari Puleo.
Stephen Turnbull presided at his final program meeting as president of the Rotary Club of Utica. The meeting took place June 10 at the Mid-York Library on Lincoln Avenue, with Rotarians participating in person and via Zoon.

Past District Governor Don Reese presents a Paul Harris Fellow pin to Rotary Club of Utica member Michelle Brandstadt, citing her dedication to the club and the Rotary Foundation. This is her second Paul Harris Fellow.

Kari Puleo, executive director of the Greater Utica Chamber of Commerce.

2021-2022 Club President Stephen Turnbull.

Rotarians attended the meeting in person and via Zoom.